On entry to the P0st Routine Register 1 should point to an ECB and Register 0 contains a post code that is stored into the ECB.  The Post Routine is either called by the SVC 2 front end or directly through a branch entry.

000000                               13 TXXPOST  CSECT ,
                            00000    14          USING TXXPOST,R15        ESTABLISH BASE REGISTER
                                     15 *
000000 5400 F080      00080          16          N     R0,=A(X'3FFFFFFF') CLEAR WAIT/POST BITS
000004 5600 F084      00084          17          O     R0,=A(X'40000000') SET POST BIT
000008 5820 1000      00000          18          L     R2,0(,R1)          GET RB ADDRESS
                                     19 *
00000C 9180 1000      00000          20          TM    0(R1),X'80'        IS ECB WAITING
000010 47E0 F064      00000          21          BNO   POST901             NO - BRANCH

First we clean up the post code since the first two bits are reserved for the Wait and Post bit.  We then set the Post Bit (x’40’) to complete the post code.  The RB address pointer is loaded into R2 and then a test is done to see if a RB is waiting on the ECB.  If no RB is currently waiting we only need to store the post code into the ECB and exit.

000014 5000 1000      00000          23          ST    R0,0(,R1)          UPDATE ECB CONTENTS
000018 5420 F088      00088          24          N     R2,=A(X'00FFFFFF')  CLEAN UP 24 BIT
00001C 5810 0010      00010          25          L     R1,16              CVT
000020 5810 1004      00004          26          L     R1,CVTTASKQ-@CVT(,R1)  GET TASK QUEUE
000024 5810 1000      00000          27          L     R1,TCBNEXT-@TCB(,R1)   SKIP OVER WAIT TASK
000028                               28 POST010  DS    0H
000028 1211                          29          LTR   R1,R1                  END OF TCB CHAIN ?
00002A 4780 F06A      0006A          30          BZ    POST902                  YES - RB TO POST NOT FOUND
00002E 5830 1008      00008          31          L     R3,TCBRB-@TCB(,R1)     GET RB ADDRESS
000032                               32 POST020  DS    0H
000032 1233                          33          LTR   R3,R3                  END OF RB LIST
000034 4780 F046      00046          34          BZ    POST030                  YES - NEXT TCB
                                     35 *
000038 1923                          36          CR    R2,R3                  RB TO POST ?
00003A 4780 F04E      0004E          37          BE    POST040                  YES - GO POST IT
                                     38 *
00003E 5830 3000      00000          39          L     R3,RBNEXT-@RB(,R3)     NEXT RB
000042 47F0 F032      00032          40          B     POST020                   AND LOOP BACK
                                     41 *
000046                               43 POST030  DS    0H
000046 5810 1000      00000          44          L     R1,TCBNEXT-@TCB(,R1)   NEXT TCB
00004A 47F0 F028      00028          45          B     POST010                   AND LOOP BACK

If there is a RB waiting on the ECB we need to validate the RB address.  We do this by scanning through the TCB chain looking at each RB chained to each TCB.  If the RB address in the ECB is not matched to a RB chained to a TCB we branch to generate an Abend.

00004E                               48 POST040  DS    0H
00004E 9200 3004      00004          49          MVI   RBWTCNT-@RB(R3),0  CLEAR WAIT COUNT FOR RB
                                     50 *
000052 5830 1008      00008          51          L     R3,TCBRB-@TCB(,R1)  POINT TO TOP RB FOR TCB
000056 9500 3004      00004          52          CLI   RBWTCNT-@RB(R3),0   WAITING ?
00005A 4770 F062      00062          53          BNE   POST050               YES - NOTHING TO UPDATE
                                     54 *
00005E 947F 1004      00004          55          NI    TCBFLGS-@TCB(R1),X'FF'-TCBFWAIT  CLEAR WAIT FLAG
                                     56 *
000062                               57 POST050  DS    0H
000062 07FE                          58          BR    R14                 RETURN TO CALLER

Once the RB address is validated we can clear the Wait Count in the RB.  If the RB at the top of the chain we can clear the Wait Flag in the TCB making it dispatchable one again.

000064                               62 POST060  DS    0H
000064 5000 1000      00000          63          ST    R0,0(,R1)          UPDATE ECB CONTENTS
000068 07FE                          64          BR    R14                 RETURN TO CALLER

The ECB is not currently being waited upon so we just store the post code and exit.

00006A                               66 POST902  DS    0H
00006A 5810 F08C      0008C          67          L     R1,=A(X'102')       ABEND CODE
00006E 47F0 F072      00072          68          B     POST999
                                     69 *
000072                               71 POST999  DS    0H
                                     72          @CALL ABEND
000072 58F0 0014      00014          73+         L     R15,20             MVT ADDRESS
000076 58F0 F020      00020          74+         L     R15,MVTABEND-@MVT(,R15) ROUTINE ADDRESS
00007A 05EF                          75+         BALR  R14,R15

Here we set the Abend code and call the Abend routine if the RB address in the ECB was not valid.