Using FSS
Function Reference
3270 Attribute Chars

FSS - TSO Full Screen Services


There are several #define statements that define various useful values. Basic 3270 attribute values can be combined by adding - for example: fssPROT+fssHI to define a high-intensity, output field.

When a field is defined using fssFld( ) or fssTxt( ) the attribute value is the sum of the Basic 3270 Attribute, the Extended Color Attribute, and the Extended Highlighting Attribute. If Extended Color or Highlighting are not specified then the default value will be used.

Example of specifying attributes on a fssFld( ) definition:
     fssTxt(10, 30, fssPROT+fssYELLOW+fssBLINK, "");

Basic 3270 Attributes

     #define fssPROT   0x30   // Protected Field - Output Only
     #define fssNUM    0x10   // Numeric Field
     #define fssHI     0x08   // High Intensity
     #define fssNON    0x0C   // Non-Display

Extended Color Attributes

     #define fssBLUE   0xF100
     #define fssRED    0xF200
     #define fssPINK   0xF300
     #define fssGREEN  0xF400
     #define fssTURQ   0xF500
     #define fssYELLOW 0xF600
     #define fssWHITE  0xF700

Extended Highlighting Attributes

   #define fssBLINK      0xF10000
   #define fssREVERSE    0xF20000
   #define fssUSCORE     0xF40000

3270 AID Characters

     #define fssENTER      0x7D
     #define fssPFK01      0xF1
     #define fssPFK02      0xF2
     #define fssPFK03      0xF3
     #define fssPFK04      0xF4
     #define fssPFK05      0xF5
     #define fssPFK06      0xF6
     #define fssPFK07      0xF7
     #define fssPFK08      0xF8
     #define fssPFK09      0xF9
     #define fssPFK10      0x7A
     #define fssPFK11      0x7B
     #define fssPFK12      0x7C
     #define fssPFK13      0xC1
     #define fssPFK14      0xC2
     #define fssPFK15      0xC3
     #define fssPFK16      0xC4
     #define fssPFK17      0xC5
     #define fssPFK18      0xC6
     #define fssPFK19      0xC7
     #define fssPFK20      0xC8
     #define fssPFK21      0xC9
     #define fssPFK22      0x4A
     #define fssPFK23      0x4B
     #define fssPFK24      0x4C
     #define fssCLEAR      0x6D
     #define fssRESHOW     0x6E