PARMTZ -- Time
zone constant: the value by which local time differs from
Greenwich Mean Time.
Parameter in IEASYSxx
Contains the time zone
constant (the value in hours, minutes, seconds) by which the local
time differs from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and the direction, east
or west, from Greenwich.
The timezone constant can
be set at sysgen time via the TZ keyword of the CTRLPROG macro.
The timezone constant can
be overridden by adding a PARMTZ member to PARMLIB.
The operator can change
the time-of-day clock by responding to a system message at
initialization (if allowed by the TOD keyword in COMMNDxx).
Only local time can be
changed after an IPL by means of the operator SET command.
The member consists of
one record
The member uses the
syntax D,HH[.MM[.SS]]
D is either "E"
or "W" to specify a time zone east or west or Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT)
HH specifies the number of
hours deviation from GMT (00-12)
MM specifies the number of
minutes. Optional parameter. (00-59)
SS specifies the number of
seconds. Optional parameter (00-59)