3270 Data Stream Programming

Processing Input From The 3270



When we issue the TGET macro with the ASIS parameter specified, TSO will issue a "Read Modified" command to the 3270 terminal.  The terminal will respond with (1) an AID  or Action ID character that identifies which key was the cause of input to be accepted (Enter, PKxx, PAx, Clear), (2) the location of the cursor when the input key was pressed and (3) fields with the MDT bit set.  The fields are returned starting with a x'11' followed by a two byte encoded buffer address followed by the data from the field.  By scanning for the special code x'11' we can find the start and end of each data field.

A TSO Program

Now we will write a simple assembler program to write out a screen, accept input and then print out the value of the AID and the Cursor position. 

Assembler Code To Display AID and Cursor Position Values

AID1     CSECT ,
         SAVE  (14,12),,*
         LR    12,15
         USING AID1,12
         LA    1,SAVEA
         ST    1,8(,13)
         ST    13,4(,1)
         LR    13,1
         STTMPMD ON
LOOP     DS    0H
         CLI   INBUF,X'F3'   IS IT PFK3?
         BE    EXIT
         UNPK  WORK3,INBUF(2)
         TR    WORK3(2),TRTAB-C'0'
         MVC   AIDCHAR,WORK3
         UNPK  WORK5,INBUF+1(3)
         TR    WORK5(4),TRTAB-C'0'
         MVC   CURSOR,WORK5
         MVI   SETCSR,X'11'          SBA
         MVI   SETCSR+3,X'13'        IC (INSERT CUROSR)
         B     LOOP
EXIT     DS    0H
         STLINENO LINE=1
         STTMPMD OFF
         L     13,4(,13)
         LM    14,12,12(13)
         SLR   15,15
         BR    14
         DC    X'27'       ESCAPE CHAR
         DC    X'F5'       ERASE/WRITE
         DC    X'C3'       WCC
         DC    X'114BF0'   SBA
         DC    X'1DF8'     SF (PROT,HIGH INTENSITY)     
         DC    C'HELLO, WORLD!'
         DC    X'114D40'   SBA
         DC    X'1DF8'     SF
         DC    C'AID='
AIDCHAR  DC    C'  '
         DC    X'114E50'   SBA
         DC    X'1DF8'     SF
         DC    C'CURSOR='
CURSOR   DC    C'    '
SETCSR   DC    C'    '
INBUF    DS    XL128
WORK3    DC    XL3'00'
WORK5    DC    XL5'00'
TRTAB    DC    C'0123456789ABCDEF'
SAVEA    DS    18F
         END   ,

If you key in this program, assemble and link edit it, you can then run it and press different action keys and see what happens.  You will notice that if you press the PA1 key that TSO will intercept it and interrupt your program.  From looking at the code you can tell that PFK03 has an AID value of x'F3'.  We check for this value and use PFK03 to signal us to end the program.

When running the program, you can move the cursor to different positions on the screen before pressing an action key and see how the buffer position changes.  You will also note that we use a SBA / IC sequence to always place the cursor back where we found it on input.

AID Characters

60              No AID
7D Enter
F1-F9 PF1 - PF9
7A-7C PF10 - PF12
C1-C9 PF13 - PF21
4A-4C PF22 - PF24
6C PA1
6E PA2
6B PA3
6D Clear


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